

This tool allows you to create a Cen-se' plot on the report or cell types.  It is found on the Insert tab of the ribbon, as well as the toolbar for the report and cell type.


Once the tool is selected, click and drag on the report or cell type to create the object.  Double-click the object to edit its properties. The Cen-se' toolbar is displayed to the right of the object when the mouse moves over the plot.


Context menu

There are 2 context menus for Cen-se' objects: the frame's context menu and the Cen-se plot context menu.


Frame context menu:

The context menu is displayed by right-clicking on the title area.


Copies the object to the clipboard.

Save Image

Saves the object as a graphic to disk.

Edit Frame

Displays the Edit Frame dialog.

Bring to Front

Brings the object to the front of other objects.

Send to Back

Sends the object behind other objects.

Copy to Page

Makes a copy of this object on another page.

Move to Page

Moves this object to another page.


Deletes the object.

Flag to Save

Check this option to save the graphic after auto analysis.



Cen-se' context menu:

The context menu is displayed by right-clicking on the title area.

Edit Graphics

This command displays the Graphic Options for Cen-se dialog, used to select cell types and measurements for the Cen-se' and adjust its display properties.

Edit Frame

Displays the Edit Frame dialog.

Rebuild Cen-se for All Events

Rebuild the Cen-se plot.